• Welcome to Ozark, Alabama, home of Ozark City Schools! Our community works diligently to support military families and address transitional challenges through the efforts of our students, teachers, counselors, school administrators, and the Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) grant administrator.  

    We are committed to partnering with you to ensure excellence in the education of military-connected students and in finding innovative ways to support our military families.  For example, we celebrate military children and families with numerous special events throughout the school year, such as Veteran's Day assemblies, Month of the Military Family and Child events, Military Appreciation Night at football games, service projects, and much more!   One support we are proud to offer is a Student 2 Student supports known as S2S in all of our schools. If you have any questions, please contact our Military Family Liaison, Laura Bruce, at laura.bruce@ozarkcityschools.net 


    Lisenby Primary School

    Mixon Intermediate School

    D.A. Smith Middle School

    Carroll High School