
    Counselors are there for you

    Welcome Students!

     Guidance services will be administered in the following manner:

    Mrs. Melanie Dunn works with the Freshmen and Sophomores. Mrs. Dunn can be reached by email (mdunn@ozarkcityschools.net), phone (334-774-4915 ext. 1008), or come by the guidance office.

    Mrs. Cecilia Stanford serves Juniors and Seniors. Mrs. Stanford can be reached by email (cstanford@ozarkcityschoools.net), phone (334.774.4915 ext. 1007), or come by the guidance office (located across the hall from front office).

    Ms. Rachel Hudson is housed at our Career Center and works closely to prepare our students for college and career life after high school. Ms. Hudson also works with Dual Enrollment. If you need to reach Ms. Hudson, you can email (rachel.hudson@ozarkcityschools.net), call, or stop by the Career Center.